
Subject Leader: Mrs Blandford

Our science curriculum intent

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning” – Albert Einstein”

At Porthleven, we believe that Science helps us to explore and explain the world around us.  Our curriculum is designed to help children progressively build knowledge, practical skills, and vocabulary. Through careful planning and resources, we nurture curiosity about the world and the desire to observe and investigate what they see. We wish to inspire a lifelong fascination with the world long beyond their time at Porthleven.

Science Curriculum Statement

The Porthleven Way in Science

We are safe
Children are taught how to safely handle equipment, follow instructions, and understand the importance of a safe learning environment for all. They also understand how, through the knowledge learnt in lessons, they can keep themselves safe for example from UV rays in Light in Year 3, to the dangers of electricity in Y4 and lifestyle choices to keep them healthy.

We belong
Science encourages teamwork and collaboration. Whether conducting experiments in small groups or engaging with bigger projects children work together, we support one another in exploring scientific concepts and discovering how science connects to their environment.

We are responsible
We teach children the importance of being accountable for their learning and actions, both in the classroom and in the wider community. In science, this means caring for the environment and understanding the impact we can have on the world we live in with our actions.

We learn
We are always learning! Children approach science with curiosity and a growth mindset. Through hands-on experiences, experiments, and real-world applications, children actively engage developing critical thinking skills and a deeper understanding of scientific concepts.

We can
Science helps children to realise that they can overcome challenges, ask big questions and solve problems. By providing opportunities for inquiry-based learning and problem-solving activities, they gain the confidence to tackle scientific topics and develop their own scientific ideas. They are also able to think about their own futures and what they could aim for through discussions about famous scientists and scientific jobs they could access in the future.

What will children experience through Science at Porthleven?

Children have weekly lessons in Science throughout Key Stage 1 and 2.  In Early Years, science is taught throughout the week. The children learn about the world around them in their learning through play with a topic theme running throughout each term but also through hands on learning and exploration of thir classroom and outdoor environments through forests schools. From EYFS – Year 6 we use Plymouth Science scheme to support our teaching of science but adapt this to our own Porthleven way.

Units have been sequenced in order to ensure progression on knowledge through from EYFS to Year 6. Each year groups units are sequenced meaningfully to ensure that the children have the necessary knowledge needed for the next units.

24-25 One Page Science Overview

Our children need varied opportunities to practise their skills and learn through different enquiry types which will form the activities they are undertaking. Each lesson focuses on one of the key enquiry types:
● pattern spotting
● classifying and identifying
● observations over time
● fair testing
● research
● problem solving.

While working in these different enquiry types we will ensure demonstration, modelling and practice of the key working scientifically skills. Every lesson will have one key working scientifcally skill focus although we will use many skills througout:
● Asking questions
● Making predictions
● Planning and setting up enquiries
● Observation and measuring
● Recording results
● Interpreting and reporting results
● Evaluating

In addition to our science curriculum being informed and aligned to the National Curriculum, we have also mapped out the substantive knowledge that we wish children to learn to ensure progression for every unit. The essential knowledge for each lesson is introduced to pupils as a ‘Knowledge Drop,’ with the theme: ‘many drops make a mighty ocean.’ We ensure that as they progress through science from EYFS to Year 6 their vocablary grows with them and we follow the PLAN progression in vocabulary for each unit.

At the end of science unit, we will assess children on these science knowledge drops.

Science Knowledge Drops 24-25

PLAN Progression in Vocabulary FV

Curriculum Impact

Our science curriculum is carefully defined and sequenced, ensuring a precise approach to assessment. Our assessments measure the specific knowledge pupils have learned and can apply. It will identify misconceptions and expose gaps in knowledge that can be addressed by the teacher. It is everyone’s responsibility to assess how well each aspect of the curriculum has been mastered and to provides opportunities to reinforce prior learning.

Assessment for learning- (daily: in class)

• Using consistent feedback and live marking strategies.
• Targeted questioning
• Pupil self-assessment and peer-assessment
• Low stakes testing – Rapid Recall, Knowledge drop quizzes in the mornings.
• Using resources such as Explorify and challenge questions to challenge and deepen their understanding.

Formative Assessment

• Teachers assess at the beginning and end of every science unit, through pupils recalling their previous learning using concept maps at the beginning and completing an assessment at the end of the unit.
• Knowledge, skills, and concepts of foundation subjects are assessed through the answering of questions.