
At Porthleven School, we aim to offer a high-quality Music education that has our curriculum drivers of ‘World Citizens’, ‘Resilient Individuals’, ‘Respectful Communicators’ and ‘Healthy Advocates’ at the heart of everything we do. Our children gain a firm understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating and composing across a wide variety of opportunities.

We are committed to ensuring children understand the value and importance of music to their own and others’ lives and well-being and the impact music has in the wider community. Music boosts creativity and supports the development of social skills, self-discipline and confidence.

We provide a music curriculum where children develop a solid understanding of the connected dimensions of music: pulse, voice, pitch and rhythm. As world citizens, our children will experience an assortment of music taken from different times and cultures including Funk in Early Years, Hip Hop in KS1 and Gospel and classical in KS2.

It is important that, as respectful communicators, children use the skills to perform, compose and appraise. At Porthleven, we celebrate festivals such as Harvest and Christingle as well as performing to the wider community, Age Concern, and Porthleven Food Festival.

All children have access to music regardless of their academic ability, race, ethnicity, background and language. We aim to provide children with the opportunity to progress to the next level of their creative excellence through the first-hand experience of learning a musical instruments. In addition, children are offered the opportunity to build on these with additional instrumental lessons in school time (privately or in small groups), including financial support for Pupil Premium children. Within our wider curriculum, pupils can take part in extra-curricular musical groups including choir, recorders, competitions, and ensemble groups. We celebrate their resilience and purpose with presentation assemblies.

Cornish folk music has been around for centuries, with some of its earliest recorded songs dating back to the 16th century. It’s a vibrant and integral part of Cornish culture. Pupils will perform, sing, play and share with music specialists from the Cornwall Music Service Trust, As One, and Hall for Cornwall, as well as appraise performances from Porthleven Band, Helston Jazz Band and other renowned performers, for example, the Cadgwith Singers and the Culdrose Military Wives.

Curriculum statement for the teaching and learning of Music

Porthleven School Music Development Plan Summary